How Much To Charge For Window Cleaning? (7 Facts)

Why would someone have their windows cleaned by a professional when they can do the same at home? Simple: without proper tools, nobody can reach every corner of their window, especially if its frame is Window Washing Fresno, CA decorative or appealing. The height of the window can also discourage the homeowner.

Agreeing with us thus far? Then you need to know how much to charge for window cleaning. That should seem obvious given that you’re going to spend your time, effort, and equipment doing the washing. So you should be aware of how to get the worth of your service.

Factors That Impact Window Cleaning Cost
As you already know, several factors determine how much money you can charge your customers for cleaning their windows. They include:

Amount of windows: Common sense tells us that the greater the number of windows, the more money you’ll be able to pocket in lieu of their cleaning.
Condition of the glass: Does the window looks as if it hasn’t been cleaned ever since it was installed for the first time? Then you can convince your client to pay extra.

Conversely, if it isn’t that dirty, then you might have to settle for a smaller payday.
Type of window: One of the reasons why the window cleaning cost varies between $2 and $5 per window is because while the majority of windows are single-hung with two panes, a small minority has multiple panes. Professionals charge extra for cleaning the latter.

Washing equipment: Is your washing equipment outdated and out-of-warranty? Then you may not be able to charge as much for cleaning windows as your competitor who may have brand-new equipment at their disposal.

Ease-of-access: Provided the window is located on the ground floor, then you have no valid reason to charge extra. However, if it’s on the last floor of a four-story building – and you need ladders, special tools, and safety equipment to get there – then you can surely charge more.

Inside or outside: Assuming you’re not offering interior-only or exterior-only service, then you’re missing out on some cash. Having said that, clients, since they always have an eye on their budget, typically prefer services that offer a la carte pricing.
Think that’s all? Think again as we haven’t discussed extras yet:

Any extras: Do you offer the service of removing paint from windows? Have ladders that help your crew do window work on the third or above the floor? Have the necessary equipment to remove deep-embedded mineral deposits? Then there is no reason why you shouldn’t charge an additional cost for these extras.

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